Tuesday 26 March 2013

Crafting system & item shots problem

The developers have informed me that the item skins for the map, compass and certain other key items will not be ready for some time aswell as the crafting system has some serious game breaking bugs have arisen while testing these features out so we wont be able too show off the uniqueness of the mod until the problems have been fixed completely so i will just continue grabbing cinematic shots since i cannot get the other clips for the video.

Monday 25 March 2013

Using the Arma 2 editor

To create this video i have too use the arma 2 editor this is so i can produce all of the cinematic shots in the video and because of this i can spawn in what ever i like for example choppers, cars zombies and even survivors.

for this cinematic shot i have chosen to just spawn in zombies as we are mainly showing off the gameplay of the video and not doing some mad cinematic shots that would require alot more than just spawning in zombies

 as you can see in this photo it shows that ive only spawned in a few zombies just too test too see what would happen with them.

as  you can see in this photo i have increased the zombies significantly just too test how much that it strains my system too see if i could move upto around that amount of zombies used in the video cinematic.

This is what the finishing cinematic would look like  but the amount of zomboes in the video is not optimal as ou can see in the top left corner im only gettting 3 FPS which is no good if im going to create a cinematic video so after this i greatly reduced the number of zombies untill i got the amount that allowed me to record in a perfect 30 fps.

Saturday 23 March 2013

Played with the dev

This is me on with the developers of Day Z sahrani showing off their new mod

Thursday 21 March 2013

Playing with the developer

Talked with the developer today and he was wanting me too play the game with him and his friends rather than me just soloing it and getting all the footage solo.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

The way im going to record the game

Too record the game i need to use a program called Dxtory with a custom codec called x264 the reason for this is that if i was too record in full quality it makes the video size 1 gig for every 40 secs - 1 min 20 sec and i do not have that big of a Hard drive too contain all of these files

by doing this i am able to record and the full resolution and get roughly the same quality for about 1/3 of the file size as i would have without the codec. this meant i was able too get alot more footage that i would have if i was just running raw video.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Day Z sahrani Download




Please see our thread in Parent Sahrani Section of Opendayz forums we need ALL levels of contribution!!!
Recruitment Thread

Welcome to Sahrani a fictional Atlantic island created by Bohemia Interactive (BI) for "ArmA: Armed Assault"

Bohemia later revised the map and re-titled it "United Sahrani" for the DLC "Queen's Gambit"

Thanks to the hard work of .kju[PvPscene] and the rest of the contributers to the Caa1 Project we are able to bring this amazing BI map to the DayZ Audience.
CAA1 Thread

Sahrani has a robust history and we will eventually add to this story by way of revealing the events that led to "Day Z" on Sahrani.

The Sahrani Map is approx. 400 km2, however actual land mass is closer to 100 km2 for the mainlands
(Kingdom of South Sahrani (KSS) and Democratic Republic of Sahrani (DRS)) and approximately 120 km2 including all the smaller islands.

The topography and terrain is varied and dramatic, offering what many consider to be the most dynamic setting ever put forward for the ArmA Universe.

Please check back for updates to this main page as the Mod Evolves

or you can:

Follow on Twitter
Like on Facebook

Active Servers:

DayZHorror.com Sahrani #1
Port: 2402
TeamSpeak: ts.dayzhorror.com
Port: 2402

State of the Mod:
0.21 is the current version and only the client files are being made available right now.
(The next client release (0.3) will be preceeded by the release of server files (expected by the 15th of April but not guaranteed)

We have preliminary Play With Six Client support:
BIG THANKS to Sickboy for all his hard work on PlayWithSix and countless other projects!

If you already use Play With Six I would recomend this method, however if you have already installed the mod manually this may break any desktop launchers/shortcuts you may have setup.
(they can be fixed by changing your "mod-@DayZ_Sahrani" to "-mod=@OAC_Core;@caa1;@Dayz_Sahrani" it is the manor in which PlayWithSix handles dependencies/launching)

We will request DayZCommander Support once the server files are public on the next release.


Manual Download (FULL PACKAGE v0.21)
USA: http://dayz.verthosting.com/files/@DayZ_Sahrani.rar
BIG THANKS to James @ Verthosting.com - http://verthosting.com/dayz/

EUROPE: http://www.runelottery.com/SahraniInstaller/@DayZ_Sahrani.rar
BIG THANKS to Cookiezzz and All the guys @ DayZHorror.com

Installation guide thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?...tial-test-release-of-v02-is-out-join-the-fun/

Serverfiles Downloads:
*Time of release TBD*