Monday 27 May 2013

Zombie audio completed

I have completed all of the zombie sounds that I plan too produce for the client I have created a total of 20 sound clips 12 of them are unedited just as the client requested and the other 8 are edited too try and enhance the sound of the zombie noises. Unfortunately the edited sound clips the developers did not wish too use as they had requested at the start of this project but are extremely happy with what i have produced with the unedited clips.

The unedited clips that i have produced are going too be used within the mod itself, but the edited sounds are not going too be used as its not what the client wanted.

Saturday 25 May 2013

Creating the sounds

As you can see in the screenshot i am using audacity too create these sound clips and too get the best quality out of these sounds i am exporting them out into .wav files as they dont compress any of the audio quality not too mention im recording it at a 32 - bit as the higher the bit count is going too be the higher the quality.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Research for the Zombie audio

As you can hear in this video of all the different  left 4 dead zombies sounds there are many different effects used to create the many different types of zombie sounds that are used throughout the game.

Here are sounds taken from call of duty black ops zombies, as you can hear by listening too the sounds in this video is the same with left 4 dead the sound clips are heavily edited to make them sound not of this world.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Zombie audio

The Developers of Day z sahrani have asked me too produce them some zombie sound effects for their mod. I agreed to do so as they were very happy with the way the production of the video turned out.

What was asked of me was that they were too receive around 10 noises that i was too produce without editing my voice as they wanted it to sound more like a human groaning rather than a crazed zombie from a film as they wished for the sounds to be more realistic.